You can do more than swings with a Kettle Bell?!?

Wow, look at that PAX list!  The Blender is an intimidating workout, especially if you happen to be a scrawny guy.  In order to ensure everyone gets in a decent workout, there would have to be ample “you vs. you” type sets, and less of YHC calling cadence and slowing guys down.  Thankfully, that is exactly what this hard working crew did today.

With that in mind, here is roughly what went down today:

0530:  Disclaimer, stating some version of the above.


  • Zamporini carry your KB a ways.  Stop for:
  • Mericans x 10 IC. HOLD for:
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC. HOLD for:
  • 1 min elbow plank. HOLD for:
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Continue Zamporini carry to pull-up forest.

The Thing:

Split into 3 roughly similar sized groups for:

  • KB swings x 20 OYO
  • Mericans x 10 OYO
  • Pull-ups x 5 OYO
  • Repeato.
  • Repeato again.
  • Plank when finished with all 3 sets

Work our way to the back of the AO via:

  • KB Lunges
  • 1 KB swing after every 2 steps, stop after 25 KB swings
  • Plank when finished with 25 KB swings

Mosey 2 more islands with KB, then stop for a quick series of:

  • 5 Jump Squats, 5 KB Swings
  • 10 Jump Squats, 10 KB Swings
  • 15 Jump Squats, 15 KB Swings
  • "I hate to say it…20".  Overheard:  "Then don't say it!"
  • 20 Jump Squats, 20 KB Swings

Carry KB to the hill, leave KB at bottom of hill.  Then we did:

  • Crawl bear up hill, 10 burpees
  • Bear crawl down the hill, 10 KB swings
  • Believe it was here that Dallas or Jenny mentioned "You can do other things with kettle bells besides swings".  What?
  • WHAT?!?  Mind = Blown!
  • Overhead press x 10 IC
  • At this point, YHC was smoked so no more crawls.
  • Run up the hill, 8 burpees
  • Run down the hill, 8 KB swings
  • Slow deep KB squats x 10 IC
  • Run up hill, 6 burpees
  • Run down the hill, 6 KB swings
  • Scrawny guy break:  Take a lap around the Church
  • Run up hill, 4 burpees
  • Run down the hill, 4 KB swings
  • Full KB curls x 10 IC
  • Run up hill, 2 burpees
  • Run down the hill, 2 KB swings
  • Plank whenever finished and waiting for the next set
  • Mosey to the front of the Church


  • Low Flutters x 20 IC courtesy of Don Ho while we gathered – thank you
  • 30 seconds of this elbow type core exercise, audibled from 60 because the blacktop was unforgiving
  • 60 seconds of this leg thruster type thing, hard to describe?
  • LBCs x 25 IC

Recover, recover.  Covered 1.2 miles according to my Garmin.


  1. If you are on the fence about F3 Dad's Camp, take the plunge and sign up.  It sounds awesome.
  2. Daddy – Daughter Date night:  May 19th.  More details to come.
  3. Amazing how hard everyone works at this AO.  Appreciate that the faster / stronger guys did put in extra work as requested. 
  4. Don Ho and Wingman joined YHC for 2.3 miles of #TheStandard.
  5. Bam Bam had some interesting suggestions of what else YHC would find searching for Core exercises.  STK.
  6. Is it me or did Uncle Rico claim to be 29 in COT?  Had to listen to my recording device twice to be sure.  Your fitness level certainly suggests a young man in his 20s.  The headband, however, gives you away as a child of the 80s.
  7. Found Caboose and apologized for the running audible.  #Insidejoke
  8. The construction for the new cell phone tower thankfully left the pull-up bars intact.  The tires, however, could not be found.  Instead of tire flips, we substituted…wait for it…more KB swings.  Apologies.
  9. Auto twisted an ankle among the construction or maybe was joking?  Looked fast after that.  Blame Dallas if really hurt.
  10. Ramrod was not present, however he liked the #PB Tweet.  #Walkered.
  11. There was some worthy mumble chatter that YHC either missed or couldn't fully process due to lack of oxygen.  Kindly sound off below.
  12. Thank you Dallas for the opportunity to lead.  Will say it again:  What a fine crew of regulars here.  Will try to get here more often.
