You Can do Something that Doesn’t Involve Triceps

Event Date

Dec 31, 2019





10 Sprinklers IC

10 Windmills IC

10 Cottonpickers

The Thang:

Mosey to the back and get a block

10 Curls IC

25 Chest Press IC

5 Pull Ups OYO

10 Incline Merkins IC

10 Shoulder press IC

Repeato 2 more times

Lung walk back to the launch pad

Bear crawl to the first bench on the right going back to the playground

We have to get back somehow so we crab walked back to the launch pad

Go to the line at the bottom of the parking lot

Left side lung walk to the top of the parking lot

Mosey back

Right side lung walk to the top of the parking lot

Mosey back

Reverse lung walk to the top of the parking lot

Mosey back


PAX Choice

Twinkle- Alphabets A-J

Shredder- 30 seconds of Jane Fondas on each side

Shirley- Flutter Kicks

Strudel- Freddy Mercurys

Cheetah- Can't remember what they are called. Flutter kicks side to side?

YHC- Protactors around the horn


There is a lot of prayer request out there. 

Closer's family

C#'s Aunt and Uncle's

Skipper's family

Shirley's father

F3 families and marriages

Safety for tonight's New Years Celebrations. Have fun, but be safe.


There was a lot of great mumble chatter, but my memory sucks. Please feel free to add some of it with replies.


Thank you guys for letting me lead and making me better. 
