You Can Take It With You

Event Date

Oct 12, 2016

Plus Julius and Hefty (Jeff and Ryan register will ya?)

14 men posted in cooler temps for what was planned as a KB exercise but ended up with more blocks instead. Either way we killed it and all came away a bit stronger than when we arrived.

Warm up


10 x Cotton Pickers IC

15 x ISW IC

10 x Knerkin IC (knuckle merkins)

The Thang

Mosey to block hill

15 Reps each station followed by hill run (if you have KB or block take it with you as you hill run)

Station #1 – 15 x skull crushers

Station #2 – 15 x KB squats

Station #3 – 15 x KB swings

Station #4 – 15 x Left arm curl

Station #5 – 15 x Right arm curl

Station #6 – 15 x block overhead calf raises

Station #7 – 15 x burpees

Station #8 – Plank break

Station #9 – 15 x KB Trifecta

Station #10 – 15 x cinderblock jumps

Station #11 – 15 x cinder block merkin (take 2 blocks with you)

Station #12 – 15 x cinder block upright press

Station #13 – 15 x shoulder press

Station #14 – 15 x cinderblock sit-ups

Station #16 – 15x Russian twists (mason twist with block)

60 second intermission prior to repeato.  We made it a little over halfway for round 2 before we hit time.


25 x LBCs IC



“So you must remain faithful to what you have been taught from the beginning. If you do, you will remain in fellowship with the Son and with the Father. And in this fellowship we enjoy the eternal life he promised us. I am writing these things to warn you about those who want to lead you astray.”

1 John 2:24-26 NLT


Lots of falsification being relayed as truth (election, news, false prophets), let us be guided by his word !


Mumble Chatter

  • Guys were eager to get started with kb / block work. Stop explaining and start doing !

  • Total of 4 KBs and 2 dumbbells arrived luckily we have plenty of blocks on hand

  • Difficult setting up KB workout for such a large group, good problem to have!

  • Very little mumble chatter as Pax was getting at it this morning. Fairly certain we will be feeling this later.