You can thank other, more creative PAX, for this workout

FNG-1 = Spencer, from the same Carrington Ridge hood that Lawn Dart and YHC live in.  We have named him "Happy Endings", see Moleskin for more.

10 men for a hot and humid sweatfest at Fallout today, plus 1 more for the River Rat 10k prior.  Here is roughly what went down:

0430:  Dallas and Jolly Roger ran the River Rat 10k.  YHC joined them for a little over 1 mile then turned back for…

0500:  Joined by Burner and Lawndart, we ran a bit more.  Headed back for a *SPECIAL EARLY START*:

0515:  Most got the message over Twitter abour an "early start".  Others were still rolling in as we began. 


Very short mosey to where YHC's 2nd post started, almost 3 years ago.

Disclaimer was given.  Explained that all exercises were stolen from various PAX over the years, and to direct any and all BS calls their way.  This was accepted and understood.  (Not really, there were several BS calls, which one might argue is unfair!)

The "Very Painful Random stolen things" thing:

  • 50 Burpees or 5 minutes, whichever came first.  Inspiration:  Landshark at my second ever post.
  • The Lieutenant Dan:  1 lunge each side, 10 squats, 2 lunges each side, 9 squats, etc., all the way to 10 lunges and 1 squat.  Inspired by Swing State's The Estate Q just this past Saturday!  We were making our way up the parking lot. 
  • Mosey to the steps in front of the school for:
  • Crawl bear up steps, squats AMRAP while waiting.  Re-peato.  Inspiration:  Snake Eyes at Fallout probably back in the fall of 2015.
  • Mosey over to the playground by the basketball courts.  Partner up for:
    • Partner horizontal pull ups with legs on partner x 10 OYO.
    • Flip flop and repeato.
    • Inspiration:  9 Lives and others at Fallout over the years.
  • Mosey back down the parking lot to the cinder blocks.  With one block we did:
  • People's chair overhead block press x 10, then 9, then 8,…etc.  Inspriation:  TBC at Samson circa 2016.  Editor's note:  This is especially C.S.A.U.P. in that I've never seen anyone actually do 55 block presses in one sitting.  Sound off below though!
  • Partner up for:
    • Partner 1 uses 2 blocks and a hockey stick connecting them for bent over rows x 25 OYO.  Inspiration:  Lawn Dart at Fallout.
    • Partner 2 pushes their block to Snake Eyes vehicle and back, probably 60-70 yards ish in total.  Inspiration:  66 at Fallout and Samson.
  • "Recovery lap" around the track.  Mosey onto the football field for:
  • Bear crawl end zone to end zone.  If you stop, do a Merican.  If you stand up, do a Burpee.  Inspiration:  Stray at either Fallout or The Estate probably 2016 ish.
  • Mosey back to the blocks and find your partner for:
    • Partner 1 farmer carries 2 blocks to Snake Eyes SUV and back.
    • Partner 2 Zamporini carries 1 block next to Partner 1.
    • Flip flop and repeato 2 more times.
    • Inspiration:  Jedi's "Bonemill" WIB at Samson circa early 2016.
  • Put blocks away and we had time for a bit of Mary.


  • Jump Squats x 50 OYO.
  • WWII situps x 50 OYO. 
  • Inspiration for both:  Ramrod at "Thunderdome" circa 2016.

Recover, recover.  Covered a little less than 2 miles according to Strava.


  1. Welcome to FNG Spencer, EH'd by Lawndart.  Great job today!  Well, he is a massage thereapist part time.  Lawndart met him recently in our neighborhood.  He suggested "Happy Endings" which won the day with no push back.  So, welcome Happy Endings!
  2. Speaking of Happy Endings…the crawl bear up the steps was not easy.  YHC can vividly remember struggling on the same when Snake Eyes Q'd it years ago.  Snake Eyes and others encouraged YHC through the pain, and we all did the same for Spencer today.  It's the circle of F3!
  3. Speaking of Snake Eyes, nice new SUV!  Also as I was explaining the next thing was inspired by him, someone suggested it would be 45 minutes of Shoulder Touch Mericans.  No thanks!
  4. Praises for Rooter's niece born recently, and Ramrod's daughter born last week.  Rooter was our WB today and it showed; absolutely crushed this workout.  During the Burpees, YHC announced when there was 90 seconds left.  Rooter said "wish I had been counting!" and I suspect he did closer to 75.
  5. Outsource has been getting stronger and it was awesome to see the circle of F3 there as well…encouraging our FNG throughout.  Much appreciated.
  6. Many things today inspired by 66 and Lawndart.  Lawndart is the current Fallout MQ and 66 was MQ when YHC first started F3.  Both were always encouraging new guys and pushing everyone hard when they Q'd.  Please direct any complaints their way for much of today!
  7. Thank you Jolly and Dallas for the early run, and thanks Dallas for staying for the workout.  Dallas wisely noted that some of the exercises were not good for biking.
  8. During the Burpees:  TP:  "Hey, Burner makes us do 75 of these during Sharknado".  Burner:  "Yeah, but not in 5 minutes".  True buddy!  Thanks for the push today.  May we both continue to accelerate into our 40s brother.
  9. Bootlegger, strong work today despite being sans battle buddy Canary; who has a torn ACL I think you mentioned?  Please give him our regards.  Hope to see you again soon Bootlegger.

Humbled by the turnout on YHC's 40th birthday.  Feel like I'm still accelerating because of all the hard workouts administered by all of the Lake Norman PAX over the years.  I've loved every minute!
