You can’t get lost if you stay in your own neighborhood

FNG-1 = "Rainbird", not registered on the website.

Contrary to Mini Me's concerns, and although we did take some "back alleys", we did NOT get lost at Excelsior on Saturday.  Here is, roughly, what went down.

0558:  YHC and 98 Degrees were finishing up the River Rat 10k.  9 Lives and BEP were close behind.  The familiar "hurry up" from Mini Me was heard, but alas, we did not start on time.

0602:  We set off with 10.  Disclaimer given en route (I think I remembered it?) towards the Carrington Ridge neighborhood where I live.  We warmed up with some butt kickers, high knees, and Quadraphilia on the way.

The "BRR Tapering" Thing:

At the entrance to my hood:

  • IST x 12 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 12 IC
  • Likely a quad stretch at this point.

Run down a back alley.  At the neighborhood park we did:

  • Pull-ups x 10 OYO
  • Squats x 20 OYO
  • Dips x 20 OYO

Run down another skinny road.  In my driveway we did:

  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 12 IC
  • Slow deep squats x 12 IC
  • Probably another stretch at that point.

Lunge walk to the next stop sign.  Probably ~200 yards?  There were some complaints.

Run to the bottom section of the neighborhood.  Believe we stopped for:

  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 12 IC
  • Another stretch?

Run out of the neighborhood, to the bottom entrance on Bud Henderson.  We saw either a Ferrari or a Lamborgini go by, couldn't tell as it was flying.  Instructions given to run up the Bud Henderson hill that fast!

Stopped at the wall for a calf stretch.  Ran back to the AO.  At the bottom park we did:

  • Knee-ups x 10 followed by hanging strectch on bars x 1 minute
  • More squats?

Circled up for Mary:

  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • Mason Twist x 15 IC?

Recover, recover.  As BRR was approaching, we kept the running to roughly 2.5 miles ish.  Nice work gents!


  1. 98 Degrees and 9 Lives with the strong RR10k / Excelsior Double Down.
  2. Snake Eyes, Moby Dick, and Grenade were brave enough to stay for Vandelay's Q at The Estate.  Vandelay also doubled down, strong!
  3. Mini Me doubled down as well…he biked after Excelsior.  That counts too!
  4. Black Eyed Pea with the rare RR10 / The Estate #DoubleDown.
  5. Good to see 9 Lives friend Rainbird out.  By all accounts, he did NOT merlot which is a great thing.
  6. Rooter had places to be, otherwise I'm certain he would've doubled down as well.
  7. The mumblechatter was fun.  Thanks to everyone for putting up with a somewhat different route.
  8. Awesome to see so many #DoubleDowns and people ready to crush the BRR!

Aye, gents.  It was a good morning.  Turnpike.