You Can’t “TWSS” Your Own Comment

Event Date

Jan 10, 2020

5x PAX showed this 44F Friday morning in downtown Huntersville at the alternate DPK location.  This location provides a closer proximity to Main Street Coffee, where we spend our $ to a local establishment. 

All excercises are 10 in cadence (x20) or 20 total for the new year of 2020… except when we get to the Suzanne Somers,

Suzanne Somers, 1982.

 where we did 20x IC which spiked the mumble chatter a bit. 


Arm circles, Slo Windmill, Root Veggie Puller, Mtn Climbers, and IST.

The Thang

All 10x IC or 20 OYO

Low Curls

Skull Krushers

Lawn Mower – Make sure you get it all the way up!  TWSS  *twss*

Overhead Press (Or is it Shoulder Press?) . *thinking*

Goblet Squat

KB Swings

Upright Row

High Curl

The Traveler, each side (Suit Case Pick-up)

On ur 6 for

Chest Press

Mason Twist 

Danger Zones 

Mosey around DPK and back and repeato


Low Flutter with Bell

Assited Seatups with Bell as Ballast

Box Cutter 

Suzanne Somers – yes, 20x IC (so 40) for a 20+20

WW2 situps with the bell

Seated stretches, touch ur toes ( or someone else's if you are Toxic)*bandit*

Downward dog Calf stretches 

And finished it off with… MONKEY HUMPERS ON A PEDESTAL!  S2K *harambe*


Good times had by all today. 

Mumble chatter was strong with the Frogger.  

Toxic did not approve of the 40x Suzanne Somers or YHC giving a TWSS to my own comment, which I acknowledged immediately was not acceptable.

Ultraman got it done today and gets credit for naming The Traveler exercise (suitcase pickup) 

The Force did not approve of the mosey around DPK, and chose to do KB chest press from the supplied benches.  Pretty good idea, actually. *idea*

And YHC was just glad to be healthy enough to be out there.  Not all can do what we do, though many of the pax in our area that post and excercise on there own 6+ times a week, some are on IR and can't be out there.  Lift them up in prayer and may the heal quickly to come once more into the gloom!  

TG sends, 
