You don’t get guns like these overnight boys…

Event Date

Mar 08, 2022

5 Pax chose not to fart sack today and showed up to strengthen their minds and bodies. Amen, Rodeo, The Force, and Ponch killed the workout today. 

Did you know that today is “National Unique Names Day”, and this week is also “Celebrate Your Name Week”?  Several Pax have a plethora of diverse names that were afforded to them as they helplessly stood in the CoT after their second workout. Some had kind Pax that gave them manly names that made you want to grow hair on your chest while others…Lets just say that a some were just luckier than others. 


Disclaimer & Warm A Rama

Slow windmill x 10

Side straddle hop x 25

IST x 20

Hillbillies x 20



The Thang

Toy soldiers x 20 

Christian Mccalf raises x 20 

Bobby Hurley x 15 (The Force wasn’t crazy bout this exercise given the name)

Snow Angel x 15 (a Toby favorite) 

WWII sit-ups x 15

Flutter kick x 15

Rosalita x 15 

Superman x 15 

Mobility moment (led by Rodeo)



And then it was time that YHC had waited for to surprise the Pax about the Black Jack round that was about to happen. The dealer placed the up card and burn card on the table. After looking at their hand, some Pax wanted to hit, others had to fold, some chose to stand, others doubled down and risked it all. However, YHC  noted “that if you're gonna play the game, boys, you gotta learn to play it right”, so…


20 mericans to 1 lbc’s (then run lap)

19 mericans to 2 lbc’s (then run lap)

18 mericans to 3 lbc’s (then run lap)

17 mericans to 4 lbc’s (then run lap)

16 mericans to 5 lbc’s (then run lap)

15 mericans to 6 lbc’s (then run lap)

14 mericans to 7 lbc’s (then run lap)

13 mericans to 8 lbc’s (then run lap)

12 mericans to 9 lbc’s (then run lap)

11 mericans to 10 lbc’s (then run lap)

10 mericans to 11 lbc’s (then run lap)

9 mericans to 12 lbc’s (then run lap)

8 mericans to 13 lbc’s (then run lap)

7 mericans to 14 lbc’s (then run lap)

6 mericans to 15 lbc’s (then run lap)

5 mericans to 16 lbc’s (then run lap)

4 mericans to 17 lbc’s (then run lap)

3 mericans to 18 lbc’s (then run lap)

2 mericans to 19 lbc’s (then run lap)

1 mericans to 20 lbc’s (then run lap)


Total of 210 ‘mericans (proud of these Pax who knocked out more than 4 days of our daily challenge in one post alone!) and 210 lbc’s. 


Mosey to Point

Recover, recover

COT/Prayer-Safe Travels for Pax for business, Remember Ukraine, Pray for our troops.


It should be noted that after the hand ended, no one toked the dealer.  Where’s the common courtesy? 


Thanks to Carpet Bagger for letting me Q again today, and thanks to the Pax for pushing through “until the dealin’ was done”. Proud of you gents!


Toby out