- 25 Goose-Steps IC (the problem with making up exercises is that it’s easy to forget how they go, so this started out as a toy soldier, but then we switched to proper form).
- 25 Pirate Ships IC (Bend over 90 degrees, arms wide, swing torso and arms back and forth like the carnival ride.)
- 20 Girl Fights IC (arms swinging fast in a big arc).
- 20 Bobby Hurleys OYO
- 20 Metronomes IC (from the six, legs 90 degrees up, drop to each side)
- Fast Mosey to the Wall (Yes, I know that fast mosey is an oxymoron, but “sprint” doesn’t exist in the Exicon).
- 40 Wall Climbers (mountain climbers with feet on the wall)
- Side Wall Planks one minute (on left side, facing to the left, left foot on ground, right foot high on wall, on left elbow, hold in plank, switch sides)
- 20 Sheryl Sandbergs aka “Lean Ins” (standing, feet together about 3 feet from the wall, left shoulder and right hand against wall, push out. Switch sides.) The PAX knew that Sandberg is the author of “Lean In” so we avoided 10 Worst Merkins. You see, we’re not just a bunch of dumb guys!
- Mosey to the Rock Pile
- Arm-O-Rama OYO (10 Full Curls/10 Shoulder Presses/10 Skull Crushers) lather, rinse, repeat while walking single file to entrance and back.
- AFLACs (Duck Walk with rock) single file. Apparently, nobody likes this exercise. Expect to see it again.
- 100 Bent-Over Rows
- 60 Flutter Chest Presses
- Mosey Back to Base Camp
- 10 Karate Kids (one-legged squats with arms in Crane Kick position.)
- 30 Little Baby Flutter Crunches in cadence
- 20 V-Ups (on left elbow, right hand behind head, legs at 45 degrees on the ground, bring right elbow and knees together, switch sides)
- 20 Mason Twists
- 15 Row Your Boats (from the six, legs to chest, then extend body without touching legs or upper back to ground)
- 20 Metronomes IC (from the six, legs 90 degrees, drop to each side)
- 20 Wide Leg Sit-Ups
- Airborne Mindbender to failure
Recover Recover
Got off to a rough start by forgetting my own exercise and somehow doing Toy Soldiers instead of Goose Steps, but got back on track and kept chugging. Thanks for putting up with my weird exercises, gents. I do like a little variety. (Just don’t tell that to my wife.)