You Gotta Move

Sprague and Gabby also posted but have not registered on the site, yet. No worries, as we are doing a social media training 2ndF event on 1/26.

13 braved the cooler weather this morning, thus keeping their New Year's Resolution of swallowing their Daily Red Pill. YHC's pre-blast warned of chilly temperatures for the workout, it was 19 degrees when we started, but I promised I would keep them moving during the workout.

The Thang:

Instead of warming up on The Green, we moseyed to the front of Chambers for the warmup.

SSH x 20 IC, Alt Lunges x 10 IC, IW x 15 IC, Mtn Climber x 10 IC, Side Lunges x 10 IC.

Mosey to the track, circle up for some stretching.

Snake the Stadium, early finishers Plank it up.

Mosey to the End Zone for 5 3/4 Burpees (Burpee with no pushup. Going forward these will be referred to as the P'Diddy Burpees since he introduced them to the PRoD pax), mosey to the 50 for 5 more P'Diddy Burpees, mosey to the other End Zone for the final round of 5 P'Diddy Burpees.

Snake the Stadium, again the early finishers planked it up.

Mosey to the 50 for 10 Squats IC, mosey to the other 50 for 15 Squats IC.

Because I chose not to wear my pull ups this AM we had to make a stop at the pull up bars. The speedier pax took the long route, Baker Dr. to Woodland St. to Spring St. to South St. to the pull up bars. The slower pax to the preferred route to the pull up bars. 10 pull ups OYO.

Back to The Green for Mary, 25 LBC's, 15 Flutter Kicks, and 15 Mason Twists.

COT – Creeper asked that we keep him, his M, and their daughter, Elizabeth in our prayer. Elizabeth is leaving for a semester abroad in Switzerland.


  • I promised the pax I would keep them moving, a subtle hint that we would be doing a fair amount of running. According to Devo's FitBit we covered 3 miles this AM. Promise fulfilled.
  • I caught the pax off guard when I called for a mosey right out of the gate. Gabby was quick to point out that running created wind chill thus I wasn't really doing my job of making the pax warm.
  • P'Diddy commented how he loves being in front of Chambers in the early morning, them he got a little verklempt. Not sure if the tear was from the cold air or if he really did get emotional!
  • Sprague is a speed demon. If the rest of the pax wasn't struggling after snaking the stadium a second time, I would have done it again just to see if that slowed him down.
  • I, for one, love running the hill up Spring St. (That is a not so subtle hint for the future)
  • I really like Burpees, and really, really like the P'Diddy Burpee. (Another not so subtle hint. #200InAnHour)
  • OC nice to see you hanging with the speedier guys.
  • Tater, thank you for keeping an eye on the 6.
  • You got to love the Cornelius Clown Car of Catfish, Con Man, and Slugger. But why does Catfish always drive? 
  • Great work by all this morning. Thank you guys for coming out on another pretty chilly morning. Sprague informed Devo and I post-workout, that when he was working out with F3 Flatirons, this was the average temps 6 months out of the year and one morning they worked out in -17 degree weather!
  • OC was the War Daddy and Gabby was the WB.
  • As always…I'm humbled by you guys