You had a choice.

Whatever the clown car has, its contagious.  It has officially been diagnosed as "excuses".  Not a single Big Indian Loop member attended today.  Was it the cold?  Was it a case of the Mondays?  Was it me?  Regardless, we soldiered on.  11 of the most stubborn Race City Pax showed up to see what I mad planned.  It all started on time with a simple choice.  1.  Since we celebrated Goodell's birthday last Monday, we can do the Murph.  2.  Do what I had planned.  The crowd voted to go with my plan.  I warned them they'd regret it.  And we did.  

Lap around the church
SSH x15
Mericans x15
Windmill x2

Run to the apartments.  Stop short.  I told the guys I was inspired by our trip to Waxhaw on Saturday, so I copied their burpee at every tree routine.  Roughly 4 burpees into the "fun", we had a man down.  Yukon took a tumble and rolled an ankle.  Thankfully he was ok.  He insisted we continue.  He walked it off and headed home.  

Welcome to the 5 corners. 

Corner 1 – 5 burpees
Corner 2 – 5 burpees, 10 mericans
Corner 3 – 5 burpees, 10 mericans, 15 jump squats
Corner 4 – 5 burpees, 10 mericans, 15 jump squats, 20 dry docks
Corner 5 – 5 burpees, 10 mericans, 15 jump squats, 20 dry docks, 25 LBC

Back to the A.O
Recover.  Recover. 

1.  Yukon's tumble looked bad.  We later found out he will be ok.    
2.  I think Plinko knew what was in store for the workout as he started to run back to get his car to help Yukon.  
3.  Brushless caught on that we were doing a ladder.  I compared him to a Labrador.  Friendly but not very bright.
4.  In case you hadn't heard, tomorrow is election day.  
5.  We froze our as*es off at coffeteria.  Where are we going to go when it REALLY gets cold?  
6.  No time for Mary.  Mary is dumb.  
7.  Hummer gave me sh*t because we didn't finish until 6:16.
8.  Thanks for starting your week off right.  An honor to lead.