You just got Rickrolled

Event Date

Feb 09, 2022



Monkey Humpers

Toy soldiers 

On this day 1997 I asked my now wife to be my girlfriend 

Also this past Sunday a certain singer had a birthday. So we will honor that singer now.

We are going to hold plank and every time you hear the word “Never” do a push-up.

Here is where the entire PAX gets RickRolled

Cue Rick Astley “Never gonna give you up”

The song is 3:30 long (Plank) and says "Never" 37 times ('merican)

and a link for your viewing pleasure


The thing

Mosey to the block pile grab a block and carry it to the pull-up bar.


Round 1 pull-ups, max

10 IC full curls

10 IC standing skull crusher

10 IC overhead Press

20 OYO block swings


Round 2 chin-ups, max

10 IC Squatting curls

10 IC close grip block merkins

10 IC front shoulder rise

20 OYO bent rows


Round 3 Alternating switch grip pull-ups, max

10 IC Bent Curls

10 IC laying skull crushers

15 OYO deep swimmers press

20 OYO dead lifts


Round 4 up fast and slow negative pull-ups x 5

Up fast and down slow for all of the following:

10 curls

10 skull crushers

10 shoulder press

10 upright rows


Lunge walk with the block back to the top of the hill

Partner up

Partner A does burpees while B carries 2 blocks down the hill and back up farmer carry style, swap then Repeato 



10 IC Dr W


25 Jack knives 

1 minutes American Hammer



“For the word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person], and of both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

??Hebrews? ?4:12? ?AMP??