You know it is good when the dog pukes!

9 showed for a muggy beatdown in the gloom.

Warm Up – 

Side Straddle Hop X 10 Burpees X 5 – 3 sets

Run to bottom of hill – 10 Burpees @ Circle

Run the VB's street and split PAX 5 ran hil while 4 did Burpees – hill runners are timer (we did a few Burpees)

flip flop with Runners doing Burpees and vice versa

Work out – 

Run back to circle – 10 Burpees @ Circle

Go get a few blocks behind School

10 reps curls

10 reps press

10 reps crushers

10 squats

10 V-ups

All with Cinder

Run lap around track behind school – with Cinder


Then we did reps again with a few tacked on and another lap without Cinders

Cooldown – 

Merkans with pause at bottom – 10 sec pause, 8 sec pause, 6 sec pause, 4 and 2.

Rocover Recover

Thanks for letting me lead this morning Roadie – The Oak is always a good place to get it in.

Bunyan –
