You Know Where You Are?

Event Date

Aug 28, 2021

6 men who arrived at Mustang to hold down the fort while our brothers are at Dad's Camp.  It was a reunion of sorts as YHC saw 3 PAX for the first time in at least a month.  Here's how it all went down:


  • 30 SSH IC
  • 10 Windmills IC
  • 10 Grandma Maters IC
  • Right over Left OYO
  • Left over Right OYO
  • 10 Hillbillies OYO

The Thang – Mosey to the pull up bars for 5 rounds of The Murph OYO

Mosey to Mt Mustang (new name of the hill between baseball & softball fields) for a round of 11's with burpees at the top and squats at the bottom, oh yeah and quadraphelia up the hill

Mosey to the track for more fun

Bertha's first lap included mosey the curve, 5 burpees, karaoke the straight, 10 Monkey Humpers IC, mosey the curve, 10 merkins IC, karaoked the straight, 10 squats IC

Abrams second lap included bear crawl the curve, 20 LBC's, moderate jog the straight, 10 WWI's, murder bunny the curve, some exercise YHC has forgotten, moderate job the straight, 10 Jane Fonda's each side


  • Einhorn 20 LBC's IC
  • Boucher 20 Freddie Mercuries IC
  • Abrams 20 Dolly Partons IC
  • Dr Doolittle 10 Pretzel Crunch IC (each sided)
  • Clark 10 Dr W's IC

Reflection – It's a bittersweet day as my 2.2 is retiring from gymnastics today after 10 years of competition.  She went from summersaults on the floor to literally flying through the air on bars, beam, floor and vault.  20-24 hours of practice per week plus a 30 minute car ride each way was her life week in and week out.  Her injuries have finally become too much to overcome.  Instead of being sad/mad/upset about giving up what she has loved for basically her entire life, she's looking forward to all the things she'll be able to do with 30 more hours in her week – school sports, a baking business, volunteering, clubs, etc.  If I could only look forward to the opportunities I have as a result of changes in the course of my life, I'd be a better person.  I'm taking a cue from my 16 year old to always be looking forward to what is in front of me instead of looking back at what is behind me.


  • Clark rolls in late and refused to turn his car off until Sweet Child O Mine finished
  • Einhorn intentionally wanders around his truck 'looking for his gloves' until we're done with SSH's
  • Abrams taking it to a new level by wringing out his socks
  • Dr Doolittle points out that the Astros are in first place without cheating (presumably)
  • Boucher does his best monotone imitation of Axl Rose

Pleasure to lead these fine men.  Namaste, Bertha