18 brave LKN pax stepped forward on the 3rd Tuesday of this month of May to challenge themselves with the Horseshoe and challenge themselves they did.


The Thang:

Mosey to the lower parking lot

Warm-o-rama with SSH X 10, Cotton Pickers X 10, IST X 10 and Windmills X 10

Jog to the base of the Behemoth with 4 rocks acquired along the way

THE HORSESHOE commenceth

Mericans X 20

LBC X 25

Low FLutter X 25

Rosalita X 25

CDD X 20

1st 4 back – consistently Free Pass, Landline and Beetlejuice and primarily Hollywood do 20 Curls as well

Jog back to the launch


Touch 'dem Heels X 20

Pretzel Crunches X 10 each side


Naked Man Moleskin:

1) Great turnout for THE HORSESHOE! Complaints about truth in pre-blasting or lack thereof … Fake News. 

2) Hat Trick complains the most, wants to rename the workout "horseshit" but has probably done more Horseshoes than nay other pax. Well done.

3) Proud to have the inventor of the Horseshoe in the house and leading the way – Free Pass.

4) This is the 3rd workout in a row someone wh ran with Landline mentioned to me their post-run injury – you have been warned.

5) Great to have Stromboli back for his second consecutive Horseshoe!

6) Lone Star continues to gut it out and modify despite his shoulder injury, like the energizer bunny – just keeps going and going.

7) Tip of the hat to those who completed the Standard prior to the Horseshoe – I know TBone, Calypso, and Free Pass all did, sound off if you did as well Landline and Beetlejuice

8) As announced, only 3 more Horseshoes prior to the BRR.  Guess it is time to get after it.

9) Mortimer roast is Friday, May 25, Wynfield Forest Clubhouse.

As always, an honor and privilege to lead this group of men!


