You only did 12?

Event Date

Feb 15, 2020


9 men of Isotope only did 12…except those that did 8 or 16. Here is their story:


4 mile loop up Northcross and down through Devonshire to Birkdale Commons


Pick up Cherry Bomb and Kachow and proceed with the K01AICRAG which is 8 miles


Do more than 12 if you wish…

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  • Lots of runners scared off due to the time or cold or they were only running 10 miles
  • Auto still hates hills and resorted to running around them to avoid any more elevation gain
  • Hoodie did a 6 mi tempo
  • Bee didn't quite perfect the Airwolf skip
  • Cherry Bomb secretly loves running by himself
  • LF, Garcia and Kachow are still fast
  • Anchovy ran the perfect pace all morning
  • Thanks for joining another awesome Saturday run from Birkdale Starbucks. Even got back early for coffee. Thanks to the men of F3 for the constant encouragement and motivation. Until the next time…