You spin me right round

Event Date

Dec 04, 2023

2 then 3 then the 4th PAX posted for a Qless beatdown. As bedtime approached YHC figured if nobody grabbed the Q we’d just do a back to basics running with pain stations.. running with pain stations. That’s exactly what happened.

We start with the 3 of us, SSH, ISW, Then YHC had a dizzy spell. That was weird. Lasted maybe 10 seconds.

Anyway, back to the thing. We did a couple more warmup moves, then a warm-up lap just after Travolta showed up.

We ran through Clubber Lane’s 113 (See the Strava Map) with a pearls on a string beatdown. We did various moves, mostly just mild running for  0.1 to 0.25 miles each time and included a mixed in Quadraphilia, a hill sprint, and plenty of elevation change.

In the end we covered just over 2 miles with plenty of merkins, shoulder taps, squats, lunges, burpees to go around.

At the COT we had a surprise cameo from Einhorn (who was not tucking). Well wishes as he trains battling injuries as he prepares for another marathon.

Isaiah 40:31 NIV
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

In other words…putting your hope in the Lord (and not other things) will allow you to see the big picture, cruising around effortlessly throughout your day. You’ll be able to endure more things, as you’ve put on the amour of God being steadfast and courageous.


  • Travolta likes burpees
  • Sparrow is about to have cataract surgery so well wishes and prayers for him. He will be out of commission for about 2 weeks. 
  • Crabby Patty gave us all a lesson on HVAC with YHC learning the new refrigerant name.
  • Crabby is also beginning to prep for his first marathon at Oak Island
  • Einhorn is prepping for oak island as well and is battling lower leg issues.
  • Clarks old man hip is still a PITA (literally)