You Thought It Was Going To Be Easy

9 Pax posted for the first of three Qbert beatdowns. 


Mosey around the church to get kettlebells for a few Pax (mumble chatter begins) . We were pushing go time and some of the PAX had yet to retrieve a kettlebell.


A few time killing ssh and windmills


The Thang:

10 burpees while YHC retrieves gear from car (mumble chatter intensifies)

Attach two straps to each tire, load kettlebells inside tire. ~275lb tire + the weight of the bells + the coefficient of friction of rubber on asphault = PAIN AND MISSERY


100m tire drag (mumble grinds to a hault)

20 15 10 Swings/deadlifts

100m tire drag

20 15 10 sumo Deadlift high pull / muricans

100m tire drag

20 15 10 shoulder press/ squats

100m tire drag


10 Swings

Beat crawl 20m



100m tire drag

GREEN SALLY UP! (YHC hadn't planned this, it was a welcomed surprise on the playlist)


Mosey to cars

10 burpees

Recover recover

Poor timing on mine and the PAX part led to a short delay in the workout, this caused the PAX to be uneasy. The tires quickly remedied this. I was able to take some out of service hoiste straps from work. Two wrapped around the tire makes for a tough drag for two people. 
Great job by all the PAX on a particularly humid morning, everyone got what they needed, some got what they deserved!
Join me if you will for the Mad Scientist tomorrow and Fission Thursday!