You want me to do what?

Event Date

Jan 02, 2021

Reminder to start your watches and disclaimer given

FNG-1 is backdraft

I’m looking to get back at it pretty hard this year.  I picked up a Q, ordered some new running shoes, and signed up for a race.  I realized quickly today that I was going to struggle with my own workout.  At the end of round 2, I debated doing round 3, but the guys say go for it.  Pushing me, along with themselves.  That is something most people won’t understand about our workouts.  That success or failure, we have each other’s back.  Thanks for helping me improve myself.


R over L, then L over R
10 IC Windmill
20 IC Side Straddle Hops
10 IC Cotton Pickers
10 OYO Dippy Birds each side
10 IC Imperial Squat Walkers

(20 seconds each exercise)
Jump Squat with punches at top
Sit ups with 4 taps (up, knee, abs, shin, abs, down)
Squat with alternating kicks when up
Walk out on hands, walk back on hands, and stand up
Leg Raises 6” to 90 degrees
Star Jump Squats
Alternating Toe Touch Merkins (Merkin, R hand L foot, Merkin, L hand R foot)
Alternating high knees with 2 hand chops (with some bounce in it)
Mountain Climbers
R kick and Chop, hop on left foot
L kick and Chop, hop on right foot
Hill Run (up the parking lot and back)

(Repeato, each round increasing by 10 seconds)

Ended up with completing a 20sec round, 30sec round, and 40sec round.

6 MOM 

10 Dying Cockroaches


Luke 6:38 give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you." 

5 ½ years ago, I started working out with F3.  I loved it, pored my heart into it, Q’ed all the time, and recruited everyone I know.  And this past year I really slowed down my activity with F3 after a shoulder injury.  It was easy to fall off the wagon and lose all my good habits.  How does this relate to the verse…  While my attendance has decreased, I have not gone away.  It brings me so much joy to see my efforts “measured back”, by you guys continuing to put your hearts into F3.  There are so many guys that have taken leadership roles, and so many new guys this year along the way.  So thank you to all for carrying the torch, keeping F3 here for new guys as well as the return of old guys. Enjoy leading and participating, you are giving. 

What the verse is actually teaching us is to give, plentifully.  But one should not give with the expectation to receive something in return.  You should just give generously out of love and obedience.  And the verse does not specify what to give.  So don’t default to money.  Think about giving your time, your manual labor, whatever the need may be.


  • 7 PAX today, sound-off video will be up on Facebook.
  • Was hoping for things to be a little dryer, but it wasn’t too bad as we never left the parking lot.
  • Spork ran a 5 miles standard and signed up to Q next Saturday!
  • SWFL as always killing it out there. 
  • No these exercises did not come from Burn (although they could have, and I was certainly accused of getting them from Burn.)
  • Actual source of the exercises was from a fitness competition my son was in.  Virtual Youth Festival 2019.  I’ll post that video to Slack as Soldier may not want the rest of the world to see it.  It shows the various exercises.  Thanks Soldier!
  • BackDraft asked about getting added to Slack.  Anyone needing to join slack, here you go:  (Only good for 30 days)
  • Someone left water bottle,will put that on slack.
  • Fairly quite group today considering we never really left the circle.  Either I had them challenged, or they were trying to figure out if I was tricking them into Jazzercise since I did have music playing. 
  • Sonar gets the hang of the exercises by the third round.