You want me to do what with that rope?

DISCLAIMER! – Todays workout was dreamed up and not yet tested.  Participate at your own risk.

Everyone gets a rope.  Q brought about a 10’ piece of rope for each PAX that they must keep with them for the entire workout.  What will we do with it…

Two FNG's get named today.  Here are the short versions about them and how it went:  
Eric, who is an insurance guy, considered "The General", "Katastrophic", but finally nailed it with "Flow".  Welcome Flow!

Blake, who is a chiropractor, and teaches selff defense, so we considered "Skelator", "Cobra Kai", "Manipulator", but decided we would go with "The Kraken" (as in back cracken).  Welcome The Kraken!

Warm Up:

30 Sec Jump rope (oh, we are only getting started with the rope…)
10 IC R leg Fire Hydrants
10 IC L leg Fire Hydrants
Parking lot mosey
Arm Circles for a little bit, various
30 Sec Jump Rope
20 IC SSH (because we just have to do SSH)

The Thang:
Bring your water and rope, lets mosey to the blocks, get a block and circle up:
loop rope through the block, then put it on your back with rope in front (like a bookbag):
10 IC Squats with blocks on your back (Since Spork doesn’t like PAX on his back while squatting)
With block still on our back and still in a circle, we start lunge walk to the left until Q is satisfied, then we stop and go right for a bit.
Now we move the blocks around to the front holding it off the ground with the rope in a v shape…
10 IC Curls (careful with that block on the upswing!)
Move rope to long V hold behind back, to simulate skull crushers (block starting on ground, arms up in Y)
10 IC Anti-Skull Crushers
rope back to front, but ropes together creating different hand hold “I” shape
10 IC Curls (again watch the block)
rope back around to back and block on ground again for “I” shape (arms together and straight up)
10 IC Anti-Skull Crushers

Bring your block and rope and mosey up the hill to the Australian bar
Set your block under the bar, feed your rope up and over the bar…
10IC Mower Cranks – left foot in front with rope in right hand, facing the bar, pull back to raise the block
10IC Mower Cranks – right foot in front with rope in left hand, facing the bar, pull back to raise the block
10IC Forward Punch – left foot in front with rope in right hand, back to the bar, punch forward slowly to raise the block
10IC Forward Punch – right foot in front with rope in left hand, back to the bar, punch forward slowly to raise the block

Circle Up in plank with your block underneath you, throw your rope to the guy to your right.
Each person uses right arm to pull block from their left until it is under them.  Throw rope again and repeat.  After Q is happy, turn your block around and we switch directions!

Partner Up, size matters.
Using one rope per team.  One PAX lays on their back on the ground holding the loop of the rope, while other pulls them across the field.  Other side, switch and repeat.  (Predicting some horseplay here…)
Partner carry across field, switch and carry back

Next, we line up across the practice field, near the school and facing the football field, with block on the ground and rope in one hand.  With block underneath you, bear crawl until no slack in rope…
Then drag the block until it is under you, repeat across the field. (predicting to be a real crowd pleaser)
Once at the fence, un-tie your block, and feed your rope into the fence and back out (shoulder height. 
Cable Simulations (resistance training):
10 OYO Butterflies – back to fence, arms out in front holding rope in each hand, lean forward, slowly spread arms out and lean forward until in a cross position, then return.
10 IC Suspended Merkins – in same position, secure rope in each hand, back to fence, lean forward to take up slack, with your fist up at your arm pits.  Then proceed to “push up”.
10 IC Reverse Merkins – rope in each hand, now facing the fence, lean back, pulling yourself forward, arms by side.

Return the blocks.


Guantanamo: Pax in a circle on their backs heels up. First pax jumps up and pushes the feet down around the circle fighting to keep legs off the ground. Followed by next pax in line then hit the ground legs up when back to your start position until last man finishes the circle.             
?Partner Up: 10 OYO Punch Sit Ups (Switch and repeat)
Ended with a short lap around parking lot to show off in front of the growing audience of football players and parents.


I believe we all know the story of creation.  (If not then you really need to read the first two chapters of Genesis!)  God created Man, but then, in Genesis 2:18 he says “It is not good for the man to be alone”.  Why is this important?  Because it shows that from creation, we were designed for friendship and community = Fellowship.  Friendship and community is what strengthens us when we are weak.  Physically weak as in sickness, or spiritually weak.

Hebrews 3:12-13 (NLT)

12 Be careful then, dear brothers and sisters.  Make sure that your own hearts are not evil and unbelieving, turning you away from the living God. 13 You must warn each other every day, while it is still “today,” so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God.

The Greek root origins of the word “fellowship” mean “to hold something in common”.   Different people can come together and rally around a sports team; different people can come to church and rally around God; We at F3 can come together and rally around our common interest in fitness and in our desire to improve our faith.  We also have the common factor of being men, one of the reasons F3 is a men's only group.  

I don't know that I would have had an opportunity to have the friendship with many of you outside of F3.  Our interest, jobs, and lives may be very different, yet we met out here and come together as simply men who crave to workout in the presence of other good men.  Enjoying our time of fellowship where we can take on our "F3 identity" and drop our stressful lives if only for a little while.  

Fellowship is not something that you can just take, or receive.  It is a relationship, you have to give and take – Interact!  I don't think I have to tell you this, but fellowship is key to the success of F3.  The relationships I have with you gentlemen is what I value, and why I am still here after 3 years of it.  Each FNG is a new boost to our fellowship as they not only gain the benefits of F3, but we gain from their presence and what they bring to our group.  You may not even realize it, but Fellowship could actually be your spiritual gift.

Romans 1:11-12 (NLT)

11 For I long to visit you so I can bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord. 12 When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.


  • Todays stuff worked out pretty good.  I think they guys appreciated doing something a little different.  They were not fond of dragging each other across the wet field.  With a little tweaking now that we tried everything, I can turn this into a pretty brutal workout.  Ropes will be back again one day soon.
  • Lots of laughter today.  Not too much heckling the Q.  Overall good fellowship happening.
  • 2 FNG's – Love it!  Welcome to the cult club Flow and The Kraken.
  • I know there was much more, but will lean on the PAX to deliver via the comments.
  • Always a pleasure to lead, and very excited to hit 18 PAX today!