You want us on that wall

Event Date

Jun 30, 2022




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You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at COT, you want us on that wall — you need us on that wall. 4 thrill seekers wanted that truth. They wanted to see what the heck was up on that wall. Here is their story:


0430 comes quick when you know Granite Hell awaits. That and it takes a month to get out there. 15 miles if you ask Hoodie. There is no hiding on the slopes of Granite Hell or on the run out there. Literally, its the sketchiest run this side of Omaha but it does allow for the anxiety to set in for those that don't know whats coming and the merlot to rise in those that do. 


The workout is not complex, just get to the top and down as fast as possible six times but that's not to say it's easy. Unless you are Heely and you just make it look so. CSAUP events generally bring lots of training and pain. This was a pure cram session for The Bear. One week out. Find 1,000 feet of gain. Let's freakin' go.


Auto pregames with an Epic steak before running Granite Hell. Solid plan every time although most pax celebrate after the run. Sac saved four lives this morning including his own by showing up on time and is no longer a virgin. Strong. Heely didn't exactly have his wings on this morning, probably saving them for the actual event, but he was on cruise control. Even ventured back to "run" with the rest of us. But YHC did figure out how to motivate him. Slipped that one in the back pocket for the next Quarter Ruck. BOOM!


Granite Hell never disappoints and always delivers. She always deserves her name in lights, Cherry Bomb. Thanks to Auto for this stupid idea and to Heely and Sac for jumping in on something stupid. Until the next time…