Young Clown Car Crashes The General

Event Date

Nov 19, 2021

6 PAX for boot camp

Had a visitor from East Huntersville:  Aye, Pit Stop!


Warm-O-Rama: Quick lap around the baseball field. 

  • side straddle hop – 20 IC
  • ISP – 10 IC
  • Toy Soldier – 11 IC
  • Carrot puller – 10 IC


The Thang:

6 sets of 10 Apollo Ohno’s IC, 10 ‘Mericans IC, 15 Squats IC with a quick lap between each set

Run to wall, peoples chair… Air Press 20 IC… 10 Monkey Humpers IC




Run past the rock pile with 2 pain stations

  • #1 5 Burpee’s OYO
  • #2 Carrot Puller 10 IC


Yoga time!!!  And Pigeon!

Low Flutter 10 IC

Samsonite LBC 10 IC

Pit Stop Some Jane Fonda deal 7 IC

recover recover



Great weather this morning. 

Great to have Eastside Huntersville Clown Car join us, Crocs and Pit Stop.

Nice to meet Camelback. Come on back out next Friday.

Great to have Roadie back out.  Always appreciate Roadies love of F3

Samsonite looking for a new MQ for The General 

Need more folk to join us at the General 
