Your Christmas Gift? A race track

Event Date

Dec 23, 2015

A fast pax of five heeded their inner calling to run faster, broke free of the fartsack and made their way to a dark and gloomy Bailey Road Park track for this week's edition of Halflife.  Here's what happened next…


The Thang:

1 mile warm-up (4 laps)

Yasso 800's:

  • 800 meter "sprint" (2 laps)
  • 400 meter recovery jog (1 lap)


Cool Down stretching from Moses


Total Reps Achieved:  6

Total Mileage Covered:  5.7 miles



1)  This isn't the first time that Yasso 800's have reared their ugly head at Halflife.  The premise is, with other regular marathon training (long runs, tempo runs, etc) your average 800 time over 10 reps would be your likely marathon finishing time.  (i.e. 3m:20s avg 800s = 3h:20m projected marathon time)

2)  I would consider 5 pax at a wet, late December Halflife a success!  Obviously, calling people out on the twitterverse works.

3)  T-claps to everybody for completing 6 full reps.  Moses & Smokey completely destroyed the 800s.

Here's to you and yours having a great Christmas!  Until next week…
