Your Regularly Scheduled Workout Has Been Preempted…

Event Date

Aug 10, 2016


… so that we can bring you this special presentation of “Gaga: The Workout That Almost Wasn’t”.

When Calypso put out a call for Qs at Gaga on Slack, I made the mistake of opening my mouth to utter a witty retort which led to being voluntold I’d be Qing in the near future. With my BRR captain putting pressure on me to converge at HalfLife, I managed to resist that tempation and follow through on my Q responsibilities. What follows is a result of that ill-made agreement.

When the text came in last night that Bullet and Jockstrap wanted a lift to a workout, I was worried we’d be late with all the necessary pooling. But it turns out that was a great plan otherwise I would have been a lone wolf at an AO I have never been to before. After a few donuts on the road to find the best parking spot, we began with a short warmup:

  • SSH, 25 IC
  • Windmill, 10 IC

Next we began our 1-mile mosey to Lake Norman Baptist at the corner of Catawba and Sam Furr. My unknowing friends assumed we were leaving campus because the fields were closed. As we got within sight of the church parking lot, they noticed other men running in from elsewhere and made jokes about converging with Hollywood. Oh ye of little faith! Tweetsie and Blackbeard care about your fitness.

The aforementioned Qs had in fact planned a mini-convergence. Once gathered, I welcomed the combined group to their Gaga workout which would consist of Dora 1-2-3. After partnering up, a short, 1/8-mile loop was defined for parter 1 to run while partner 2 completed the exercises AMRAP style. When partner 1 returns he picks up with the count as his partner runs. Repeato until all reps are done for all exercises:

  • 100 merkins
  • 200 squats
  • 300 LBCs

Because the pax are so fit and were able to complete the work in record time, we added 40 combined #Metro burpees (skip the pushup) per the preceding process. After all were finished with their 640 combined reps, I announced “the test of the emergency Gaga convergence had ended and the pax were free to return to their regularly scheduled Hollywood programming.

The Gaga threesome proceeded to run a modified Indian-style run back to Robbins Park which took until 6:16 to complete. Folliowing a bathroom trip, we circled up for a quick prayer and headed to Madalyn’s for coffee where we were reunited with the Hollywood bretheren.

Hollywood Playbill

  1. Silver Bullet says he hasn’t been to a workout with a back blast in a few weeks. You’re welcome.
  2. I mentioned above that I have never been to the Gaga AO. I can now say that I still have not been to the Gaga AO.
  3. I knew Hollywood would have some who prefer less running. While I feel no remorse for The Force who heckled YHC immediately, I do regret that Schneider had to put 3+ miles on his reconstructed leg. #QFAIL for not offering a modification for those that need to limit their distance.
  4. Tweetsie and I planned this amidst pressure from our BRR captain for not posting to his Half Life Q. That’s how much we care about your fitmess!
  5. MISSING: one gaga ball left behind by the MQ but ignored by the Q. If found, please return to Calypso.
  6. Jolly says there are more than 12 pax in Isotope. He’s correct; there were at least 60 out there today, yet only 3 at Gaga. Guess the pax don’t care for meat suits and little monsters.
  7. Has anyone seen Amen lately? He’s looking svelte. YHC needs to get back on the ball or he’ll blow by my accomplishments and leave me in the dust (and regret).