Your Ticket Getting You In?

12 PAX counted off today

OK we have 4 FNG's in the list, here is who they are:

  • Kragel – needs to register
  • Handsome Rob – needs to register
  • Wild Thing – still needs to register!!!!

*Take 2 minutes – you are already here on the site, create a stinking acount!  We want to tag you in the PAX!

  • And the 4th FNG was actually an FNG!  PAX welcome Lonnie Smith to the cult club!  After learning more about him (likes Tarheels, loves Golf), we threw around many nickname ideas and Q decides that we go with "Happy".  Welcome aboard Happy!  You did great today and we look forward to seeing you back!

So now you know who was there, here is how it went down:


RoL stretch, LoR stretch

Parking Lot Mosey zig zag around the islands (follow leader)

10 IC Windmills


10 IC Mountain Climbers

5 IC Merkins

(45 total reps for “Comet 45P” that just flew by at its closest point to earth earlier this morning.)


The Thang:

Mosey to middle of the football field, why there, because we never go there…

Circle up, Starting us off with a little something new…

Lt. Danger – Lunge, Lunge, Squat, Merkin, repeat +reps by 1, repeat until first person completes round 10

Mosey back to Launchpad

Split into 4 teams – Firehose short circuit – everyone on the sidewalk at the bottom of the parking lot

               Pax 1 – run to the fire hoses – 20 rope slams then back to sidewalk to plank

               Pax 2 – run to the flag pole, one lap around pole area, and back to sidewalk to plank

               Pax 3 – quadra-feel-ya up the parking lot, “Sugartop” AKA ski down plank on sidewalk

               Pax 4 – rope ladder drill, fight shuffle R, mosey back fight shuffle L, repeat until twice each side (4)

               Pax 5 – White Line suicides


Ménage – teams of three, each does 90 of selected exercise as a group.  Plank when done and wait for next.

               1)Merkins            2)Squats               3)SSH                    4)LBC                    5)MC


Mosey down to rock pile

PAX get a rock (2 or 3 PAX grab a block instead just to mix it up). Circle up on lower field.

Rock Roulette

10 IC Curls (Rotate L 3 positions)

10 IC Curls (Rotate L 4 positions)

5 IC Air Press (Rotate L 2 positions)

5 IC Air Press (Rotate L 1 position)

5 IC Skull Crusher (Rotate L 1 position)

5 IC Skull Crusher (Rotate L 4 positions)

10 IC Rows (Rotate L 3 positions)

10 IC Squats (Rotate L 1 position)


Burpee Circle – passing basketball (advanced 2 burpees, tired PAX do 1 burpee) for about 2 minutes.


 LBFC – Little Baby Flutter Crunches (these take some coordination)


So a guy buys a couple super bowl tickets online.  It’s important to him, so he spends several thousand on the tickets, more on the flights, and everything else he needs to get there.  Excitedly they show up to the entry gate, and are DENIED.  The tickets that were going to get them in, turned out to be fake.  Stay with me here, I’ll come back to this… 

How do you know you are a Christian?

·         You give your life to Christ (That’s where it starts)

·         Your love for God increases (you want to fellowship, learn, and grow)

·         Your hate for your sin decreases (you will start to hate sin because you love Christ)

This is a question you want to be sure you know the answer to.  I don’t really care how fast you are, how many pull-ups you can do, but I do care about your salvation, and that you don’t get to heaven to find out that you think you are good, but find out you have a fake ticket!

 The best way to stay the course and grow in your faith is a covenant commitment to the body of Christ.  Fellowship!  Fellowship with other Christian men as well as Fellowship with the church!  Here is a scripture that tells you just that:

Hebrews 10:25 (NLT)

25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.



– Lots and Lots and Lots and Lots of mumblechatter today.  PAX were bringing it with the Q hazing and chatter.

– Clubber had to ask Jeeves what model every plane the flew over.  I never noticed how many planes… "Squirrel"

– Q remembers to give disclaimer to FNG at the end of the workout, does that still count?

– I will let you guys comment the rest, too much for me to keep up with…

– Lots of wise cracks about balls and hoses…