You’re Looking Good

15 PAX and a Dog.0 partook in an abbreviated Clubber Lane saunter around the majestic grounds of ELHS-Mustang. FNG-1 was Cabbage. The air was chilled, compared to the past several months, and the fog rolled in. Wait, the fog might have been of the two piles of Dog.0 (Cutler) droppings. With the recent bear sightings in Denver a game of strength, endurance, and some stupidness was planned.

Warm O Rama


Closer playing w watch and C# showing up with the 2nd shift crew…another

IC 25 SSH +1 =26 to match Ziplock’s 50 from KB Friday (however he isn’t throwing the love since we took a break after 25, and about love…read on to see the real love out there)

IC 15 Cotton Pickers

Line up on 1st 100yd line (White Line) on track

IC 10 Flutter Kicks

Mosey to next 100 – 1 minute plank

And, the next IC Low Dollies

Backward Mosey to next – IC 10 Dr. W

Sprint to last white line – Spork killed it

The Thang

Count off 1s & 2s

1s counterclockwise 2s clockwise Indian Run, the 6 drops for 5 LBCs’, provides a nice sprint for the 6 to take the lead. Also provides some motivation to knock out the LBCs’ as the PAX runnoft into the distance.

Head to the field for Crabs vs Bears Soccer (it’s in the exicon, if you’re interested in finding where I get this stuff)


One team starts as Crabs, must crabwalk during session, the other must Bearcrawl. Each team has a goalie who must stay in low plank. After a score, the teams switch, crabs to bears and bears to crabs and the goalie is replaced.

4 x 5min quarters with 1 min intervals and no halftime show

All square after the final whistle so a brief next goal wins was held.

Enough playing around, mosey to the loading docks

On the line for decline

  • IC 10 Flutter Kicks
  • IC 10 Low Dollies
  • IC 10 LBCs’

Mosey to Flag pole

On your six, near a bench, full stretch to reach under and grab bench, then IC 10 reverse crunches. Works much better with a towel, but we had none.

Mosey back to LP for Mary



Isaiah 40:31 – But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, the will walk and not be faint.


  • During 1-min plank, Clubber tells Boone “It’s good to see you”, Boone “It’s been a while” and adds “You’re looking Good”, provided ample laughs and the title to this workout.
  • I attempt to add games to most of my Qs’. It is different, fun, and provides something other than the normal stuff, while still working out specific muscle groups…all were captured today.
  • Cutler provided his own love, or wanted to, following the sound off.
  • Special Note*
    • Cyclone and Cabbage made their last visit (for now) to the AO. Cyclone has accepted a new role with a new company and within a new industry. This role is out of state so we are bidding a see you later to our strong brothers. Prayers for the family, and know there is a group of men here that will do anything for you. Stay HIM!
  • Q was called a Seal or is that SEAL during a cadence call. Always inspired to be a SEAL and fight the good fight; however, it never happened, so I’ll consider it that type of SEAL and not the animal.
  • The true Clubber Lane was avoided due to people on the back soccer field at 6:30, but we still got almost 2 miles in, most in the field of crab vs bear war.
  • Cutler attempted to steal and pop the ball before play began. Thankfully saved by his daddy, Q had nothing else, and was nervously awaiting the pop sound.
  • If you did not receive a rubber ball tattoo to the face this morning, you really missed out.
  • Lastly, Jeeves appears to love the wet grass roll around with other men.

A great time, and thankful for the ability to not only lead, but play a part in any F3 activity.

Aye! Clubber