You’re never more than a 1/2 a lap away

3 met the standard.  16 joined in at 0530 for some track work.  

Warmorama:  3/4 mile warm up.  SSHx10ic.  ISTx10ic.  Windmillx10ic.

That thang you do:  interval edition

  • 2 minutes on at tempo.  1 minute off, slow mosey.  Repeato x5
  • 400's.  Start in inner lane and give it a good go.  Next set move out one more lane and try to beat your time by a few seconds, etc.   Repeato x3
  • Cool down 400
  • Shoulder touch merkins x15ic (you become Snake Eyes by doing Snake Eyes things)


  • School starts up.  Pray for kids.  Pray for Mr Holland who is now fully with High School (no more double duty with Middle as well) and influencing the next generation of 'merica.
  • Christina Latini Memorial 8k (run/walk) is coming up.  Please sign up or consider donating.  Trust me, Operation Sweet Tooth will be a better steward of your money than you will.  Don't beleive me?  Just ask the people who's lives have been saved in our community due to an AED provided by them, or the kids who are properly equipped for school, and so much more.
  • Iron Pax Challenge in a couple weeks.  It's tough, but everyone can give it a go, and should.  Look for it coming to an AO near you.

Moleskin things:

  • Good showing at Ludicrous this morning.  Sky Q gave us 70 degrees with no humidity.  A great way to start a great day.
  • It is with deepest appologies and sincerest regret that YHC incorrectly attributed the 400's increasing lanes and decreasing times to Baller.  Imitation is the best form of flattery, but when you don't give credit correctly you get met with a swift and strong rebuke.  Mr Holland quickly smacked me with the verbal pimphand of "hey I'm the one who did that".
  • Baller however didn't hear any of that.  So when we started the 400's he asked Black Eyed Pea what we were doing.  BEP explained.  Baller replied with "F- that".  Thus solidifying it indeed was Mr Holland and not Baller who previously Q'd the 400's workout.
  • Potent quotable of the day goes to Gambini: "Never shpiel before the workout."  Without context your mind goes to the gutter.  In reality it was in reference to me giving too many instructions before a workout the other day. 
  • The title of the backblast is a nod to Calypso and Black Eye Pea.  After a couple year haiatus due to health reasons, YHC was physically ready to get back out there.  But afraid I couldn't do it.  I ran into them at Starbucks one morning and this is a synopsis:
    • Calypso/BEP:  good to see you Stray.  How are you feeling?  Stray:  better, health is more under control.  Calypso/BEP:  you should come out to Ludicrous Speed on Wednesdays.  Stray:  I'm not ready for a workout yet I have started running 1 minute and walking 2 minutes, that's all I can do.  Calypso/BEP:  come out anyway, we workout on the track and even if you are just walking you're never more than a half a lap away.
    • I had been walking around the neighborhood with my #shieldlock (Jedi, Ramrod, JimmyOlsen) so I was never truly alone.  But at that point, just a simple encouraging conversation let me know this was about guys just helping guys do life.
    • Get you someone(s) like that.  You don't have to look far.  They will be standing right in front of you in the COT circle tomorrow.
  • And……drum roll please…..the most signifacant thing today…… Black Eye Pea ended his 9+ year boycot of workouts Q'd by YHC.   It's a long story where coincidence turned into a trend, then an inside joke, at which point the streak had to be maintained.   I'm glad it was broken today!
  • Ludicrous Speed is in the books.  The week of stray rolls on to Sampson for "The Bucket List".  Show to know on this one, but rest assured it is designed to get the best our of all of us, fast/slow/strong/less-strong/conqueror/refusnik.   Come out and enjoy, but if you don't then please enjoy one of Isotope's other great AO's Q'd by a #HIM.
  • #straythecourse