Mosey the long way to the back parking lot for Warmorama: Was there a Lear sighting?
- IST IC x12
- CP IC x10
- Windmill IC x10
- Hillbilly IC x10
- Sit outs IC x10 (for Hummer)
The Thang:
- Grab a rock and a partner.
- Constant is 5 Hurpees at the top of the hill
- Partner 1 Amrap- curls, military press, skull crushers, squats, bent over rows, merkins, lbc
- Partner 2- run, backwards, side shuttle left, then right, run, bear crawl, run
Replace rocks with a very efficient assembly line and Mosey up/down the hill for part 2.
The Thang 2:
- Walk Like An Egyptian. Single file holding lunge, alternating legs while the last PAX jailbreaks to the front of the line. Repeato.
- Peter Parker
- Windshield
- Parker Peter
- Weezy Jefferson
Mosey back to start for the Finisher:
- Small circle to see the joy in each other's face for 3 minutes and 45 seconds of pure bliss with the Bring Sally Up squat challenge. A crowd favorite.
- Prayer requests for Chicken Little's mom having surgery tomorrow, Tick Tock's daugher, Frosty's family, Deep End's dad, and any unspoken requests.
- All are looking for something to do on 5/26 but haven't heard of any local races
- Cheez Whiz looking for store moving help this Sunday at 5:00; will pay in beer.
- F2 tomorrow night at Usain's for Deadpool and water (bud light)
- Lear was waiting for us at coffee; he's the smartest of the group.
- Ruckers included Dewey, Hurdle, Mailman