Caution: Danger at Berean

10 got just a touch of a late start this morning at Berean. We quickly dwindled to eight. The two we lost?  No one knows what terrible happenings occurred as they wandered the deadly streets of Birkdale calling our names! “Soprano- where are you?” they were surely yelling. “We’re lost, cold and frightened. Why did you leave us?”  They called each of the Pax names in alphabetical order, hoping for a sign, a signal, a beacon, a flare- something! But alas, it was not to be.  Possum and Canuck somehow survived the bitter cold, howling winds and freezing rain to re-join us just in time for COT.  “But the rest” you say- “What about them?” “What was their story?”  Well, they had a backward running, DORA with a mixed in mish-mash of this and that.

See you boys next time! Thanks for posting and we all got our credit for the day.