Does Apple Ever Turn Off the Lights?

Event Date

Feb 28, 2024

YHC hadn’t Qd Hollywood in a while so was excited to be joined by 7 pax to start the morning right. While waiting for 5:30 YHC noticed practically all of Birkdale was lit up by the Apple store. Further conversation was had about VR and how Toby has even used it for work training. At 5:30 we hopped right in.

Side shuffle the parking lot lines and then mosey to Which Wich for warmorama.
SSH, Toy Soldier, IST, Hillbilly’s, Slow Windmill, Long Snapper.

Partner up for dora. Partner runs to the bridge while other does below:

100 – WW2s 
200 – Carolina Dry Docks
300 – Sumo Squats

Mosey to the movie theater wall for a round of:

Rocky Balboa’s, dips, incline merkins, peoples chair, air press, touch them heels, praying mantis, calf raises

Mosey to the parking deck for 7s. 1 merkin down, quadrophelia up, 6 WW2, then mosey back down. Repeato until 6 merkins and 1 WW2.

Mosey to homebase where we passed around Mary.

Rosalita, bib baby cruches, box cutters, plank, shoulder touch plank, James bonds??(check me Toby on name), crunchy frog, 10 burpee’s (thanks Soprano), pretzel crunch.

Recover, recover

Great company and everyone pushed hard this morning. A few announcements of the Polar Bear on 3/9 and Christina Latini Memorial 8K run/ruck/walk on 3/16. Continued prayers for Crab Legs and his entire family. There is a service being held at James Funeral Home at 11am on Friday and a final toast to Jen at Primal at 8:30.  Thanks Soprano for the opportunity to Q and taking us out this morning.