Estate – A definitely not made up on-the-fly beatdown

YHC took a bit of a hibernation through winter, and decided (impulsively) to emerge with a last minute double Saturday morning Q.  What could go wrong?  12 PAX met me in the Gloom to find out.


WARMORAMA:  Short lap around parking lot, circled up for SSH (15IC), IST (10 IC) and Toy Soldier (10IC)…..and that’s about where my winky stopped.  From there I panic Qed the following: slow windmills (10IC), trunk/shoulder rotations, arm circles. 

The Thang: after grabbing blocks we lined up in the parking lot for

  • a round of curls, skull crushers, and rows (all x10IC). Then Zamporini to the next island.
  • Mericans, slow deep squats, curls, skull crushers, rows )all (x10IC), zamporini (somewhere around here PAX started suspecting my lack of a defined plan)
  • Single arm block Mericans, single leg block squats, curls, skull crushers, lawn mowers (x10IC). Zamporini
  • Repeato (PAX noticing my lack of a defined plan in greater clarity), then leave the blocks

Then we headed over to the jungle gym for a little Dora, partner A doing 10 pull ups, partner B WW2’s till done, then flapjack.  2 rounds of that.  Then over to the school, partner A wall sits while partner B runs to curb and does 10 curb Mericans, switch, 2 rounds of that.

By this time, all pretense of following “a plan” was out the window, we zamporinied the blocks back and circled up for Mary.

Mary: we went around the horn with PAX choice mary, all the usual suspects.  Thanks to Tantrum for setting the 15 rep tone right before Snake Eye’s called his shoulder touch ‘Mericans.  Rodeo tried to steal the Q vs Q title with some late mobility moment shenanigans (and it worked).

We wrapped up a “gentlemans” 45 minute workout with a recover recover.


  • YHC is out of shape and what hurting after the Rock run. But didn’t let that stop me from flawlessly executing an on-the-fly workout with absolutely no hint that I had no idea what I was doing.
  • Tantrum has been doing some WORK in my absence, making 45 minute “gentleman’s” workouts the norm. We’ll have to work on that (as soon as temps get above 40°)
  • All jokes aside, it was great to be out again, appreciate the PAX for staying on me.