First Anniversary Post and some crowd pleaser workouts with a twist

YHC was full of excitement when he signed up for the Q and that excitement slowly turned into  anxiousness as the day approached. This is the closest AO to YHC and has managed to get there in time.


There was a mumble chatter about what happened at the QvQ the day prior between Hippie and The Force. It looks like there is always something to see at The Force’s AO. Almost an year ago, there was police activity when Force was Q’ing at this AO (my first post) and then there was police presence at the Lake Forest church too. I wish him all the best to do a threepeat next year at a different AO.


We moseyed up to level 1 and did the following warmup exercises Side shuttle hops, Toy Soldier, Imperial Storm Trooper, Hill Billy, Dwight Schrute, Mosey up to the top of DPK.


YHC planned a full body workout with crowd favorite exercises with a Twist. The twist here is that the sets are longer. Because, the date of the post was 22, the minimum set length is set to 22. Every member got a chance to draw a card from the deck and that decided what exercise we were going to do and for how long. Every face card added 5 additional burpees to the exercise we were going to do. For example, 4 Of Spades meant we would do 26 (22+4) swings, 8 of Diamonds meant would do 30 (22+8) box cutters, Jack of Hearts meant we would do 32 (22+10) Curls and a bonus of 5 Burpees.


Here are the 2 rounds 


Upper Body round:


Spades – Swings

Diamonds – Bent over Row

Clubs – Skull Crusher

Hearts – Curls 


Core and Lower Body round:


Spades – Squats

Diamonds – Box Cutters

Clubs – Christian McCaffreys

Hearts – WWII situps


We moseyed up and down the DPK lot after each round and when Amen drew the joker. We then ended the workout with a couple of pegipns and child’s pose.


We all started the workout in a fun way with a lot of chatter, but it slowly disappeared as go into the extra long sets. 


There is a QvQ competition at mighty jungle between AMPM and Turnpike and also a community support opportunity by Possum at Cornelius Community Garden. Prayers went up to the first responders, police and folks who put others life’s in front of theirs. Prayers went up for Ultraman’s mom, Long Dart’s mother in law, Cherry Bombs recovery and for his friend’s family who are navigating through some difficult times.


This is YHC’s 1 year anniversary and can’t thank F3 nation and F3 Isotope enough. Thanks to Turnpike for EHing me into this wonderful world.


Post the workout, we met at Lowes foods and YHC got inspired by Ichabods transformation and would like to work with Popcorn et al. to get better at running. YHC has had a same pace of 12:30 minute a mile since past 8 years, he wanted to see if he can get it to 11:30 before the end of the year for Huntersville Half.