Flogging and Dropkicking a Tabata KB Workout

It’s March and thus it is prime time for the Irish Pub Rock playlist during the workouts.  Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphy’s, Fiddler’s Green, The Rumjacks, Blaggards and more!  The PB strongly hinted at this as well as the pax getting some pectoral work in – and both happened, but that wasn’t all.  14 pax including the Q showed up for the full experience.


Warm-o-Rama:  The usual

The Thang:

Started by partnering up with someone with the same KB weight as yours.  Partner 1 would do KB presses on the bench AMRAP til Partner 2 could run around the grassy courtyard and back as the timer.  Flapjack.  Repeato.  Then do the same with KB flies.  Repeato.  Total of 4 sets of full motion, burnin’ pectacular exercises.

Then circle up around YHC’s big, long, thick, black… rope.  

Tabata.  30 seconds on, 7 seconds of rest.  1 pax on the rope while we do the exercise and the next pax calls it. During the 7 seconds of rest, pax who just called the exercise grabs the rope while the next pax calls the next exercise.  We want 1.5 times around the circle – probably 20ish exercises before…

MWAR (Mary With A Rope) but in the same format.

In total we did tabata for over 38 minutes.  We did pause after completing the pax circle once for some stretchy-stretchy.


The Irish Pub Rock Moleskine (speaker was blaring the entire workout – the cars and trucks in the intersection didn’t seem to mind):

The Pax really got after it today.  7 seconds of rest goes fast, but the 30 seconds of exercise doesn’t always…  especially on the rope.

Toxic was about 12th or so in the circle, yet he was confused both times it got to him for his turn.  First time he wasn’t prepared to call an exercise.  2nd time he forgot to grab the rope.  Even crazier – the pax didn’t notice no one had the rope while we all did Suzanne Somers.  I guess we were all facing away from it?

Great to see Old Cold Wed at Stretch and today at Cauldron.  Welcome back Kotter!  ALSO!!!! Congrats on receiving your US Citizenship today in Charlotte.  13 years in the making – did I hear that correctly?  What an inspiration.  You rock, brother!!!

Welcome, Spitfire!  I’ve only posted with Spitfire before at Stretch so it was fun to see him get after it this morning at a KB bootcamp.  Big bell, brother (no matter how much/little it weighs)!

Amen’s wind was weak today and this appeared to concern him.  Numerous times he was found “focusing” on it.  Feel better, friend.  If/when that all works out…. I hope I’m not nearby.

Polar Bear tomorrow!!!  Arrive early!
