Going Off The Beaten Path at Mighty Jungle

It was a perfect Spring morning on Saturday and 9 PAX answered the call to kick their weekend off in hight gear at Mighty Jungle. YHC delighted to see Mulligan’s 2.0, Belly Flop,  join us for the festivities.  YHC, wanting to change things up at bit and get a little more distance in, mentioned  that a short off-campus mosey in the disclaimer would be in store. 

FNG-1 “Belly Flop” – Mulligan’s 2.0

PAX headed down Stumptown following Belly Flop who was in full sprint mode (that little guy is fast!), and landed at the Round-A-Bout that connects with Hugh Torrance.  PAX lined up along the round-a-bout, each calling out and leading an exercise, while one of the PAX performed a loop around the circle which would trigger the next PAX to perform a loop.  Core and Legs were the focus at the round-a-bout but the highlight during this drill was a deer sighting where at least 10 deer were seen crossing Stump Town, one after another and apparently sensing exactly when to cross.  

Mosey back to St. Marks campus for a stop along the school wall for People’s Chair, Calf Raises, Balls to the Wall, and Air Presses.

Mosey to center campus fountain where PAX would perform merkins (incline and decline) and air squats.

Mosey to block pile for curls, shoulder presses., goblet squats, chest presses, and thrusters (KB swings with blocks).  PAX would also perform a farmers carry with block around the parking lot.

PAX would end with a few minutes of MARY

Especially grateful for mornings like this thankful to everyone who came out! Awesome work men! Mulligan thank you for bringing Belly Flop – super fun having him with us!

T-claps to Jersey Boy, Beave and Shadow (were there others??) who helped out Saturday morning at the Cornelius Community Garden spreading mulch – thank you for stepping up and answering the 3rd F call and giving back to our community!

Humbly in Christ 
