Isotope runners vs charging deer

A bunch of mortals and AM-PM ran 5 miles at the CandyShop, here’s what happened: 

In the serene outskirts of a rustic town, there dwelled a man named AMPM, known for his extraordinary ability to rise early and stay up late. His daily routine included long runs in the forest, where he connected with the tranquility of nature. However, this fateful day, as he ran through the streets of Huntersville, a sudden commotion caught his attention.

A massive, furious deer, eyes ablaze with anger, charged at AMPM with a vengeance. Startled and defenseless, he was struck with tremendous force, leaving him injured and disoriented. But AMPM was not one to yield easily. Summoning all his strength and resourcefulness, he gathered fallen branches to shield himself. As the enraged deer continued to attack, AMPM devised a plan to defend himself and protect the town he loved.

As the sun started to rise above the horizon, AMPM’s persistence paid off. With a final, well-aimed strike, he managed to fend off the relentless deer, leaving it injured and in agony. Though AMPM had triumphed in defending himself, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of sorrow for the creature’s painful fate. He summoned help to tend to his own wounds and ensure the deer’s suffering was alleviated, realizing that in the heart of nature’s challenges, compassion could still prevail.

This was ChatGpt’s account of what happened today. Here’s YHC’s:

AM-PM is a man among boys. While running our usual route at the CandyShop and passing Saint Mark’s church, a deer was trying to cross the road. Little did it know, AM-PM was on the other side. The deer takes off, in full sprint, tackling AM-PM to the ground. AM-PM does some jiu jitsu move on it and brings it to the ground with him and scared for its life, the deer runs away. 

True story.

Until next time,
