Murph on a frozen bar

11, That's a solid Murph showing for Mustang, plus one for Bertha for doing a make-up Murph that evening makes a dozen.

We ran 1 mile (Shake Weight, Dr. Dolittle, Mater just ran a half on Saturday, and a a few more on Sunday)

Did 20 rounds of 5-10-15 of pull-ups, Merkins, Squats for a total of 100-200-300. Rounds set on a timer for 1:15 to keep us on target for time.

We ran another mile (does this qualify as a shakeout run)

Reflection Isaiah 55 6-7 (AMP)

Seek the Lord while He may be found; Call on Him [for salvation] while He is near. Let the wicked leave (behind) his way And the unrighteous man his thoughs; And let him return to the Lord, And He will have compassion (mercy) on him, And to our God, For He will abumdamtly pardon.


  • Of course everyone complained that the Q shortens the time each round.
  • Iron Horse with the 20 lb weight vest and the grunts to match.
  • Little did Thrift Shop know but his son invited him to pump some iron together later that same day. Unable to say no he was going to be extra sore. A late backblast lets me include this nugget
  • Crabby and SWFL ignore the timer as usuaul and go at their own lightning speed.
  • Scope still shreading pounds.
  • Hefty had a flappy garmin watch band because YHC forgot to give him a new strap thingy, whatever they're called.
  • Boomhauer almost went gloveless. That would have ended badly with that frozen bar.