Qonfusion and “is it really necessary?”

It was a gloomy and raining morning. YHC has signed up to be the Q for this session a day before. Some of the pax were confused about the Q as they thought that this session did not have a Q and Topgun was planning to lead it.

After the initial confusion and mumble chatter, we settled down and performed the following exercises for warm-o-rama –

  • Arm Circles 
  • Full body extension stretch on right and left side
  • Forward fold

The workout for the day is a popular Flow called Surya namaskara which translates to “Sun Salutation”. It basically is a series of the following movements – 

  1. Backward stretch
  2. Forward fold
  3. Left leg back (runner’s lunge stance)
  4. Right leg back (plank stance)
  5. Drop to the floor (with your belly button not touching the floor)
  6. Cobra position
  7. Downward Dog
  8. Right Leg front (runner’s lunge stance)
  9. Left Leg front (Forward fold stance)
  10. Rise up

If we repeat these steps on the alternate side, then it would count as 1 Flow. That is too many movements packed into 1 Flow. But YHC is incredible proud of all the PAX who followed along and did a round of 3 Flows.

We then did the following – 

  1. Cat Cow
  2. Drunken Cat Cow
  3. Yogi Squats

Following that we did 4 Flows. By this time, the PAX may have felt that Flow exercise is getting too monotonous. So, YHC asked the PAX to come up with an stretch of their own – 

  • Amen came up with “Hug your Knees and Lift you legs up and stretch”
  • Bel-air with “Seated Pretzel Crunch”
  • Toxic started us with a plank and did Peter Parkers, as soon as he sensed some discomfort, he quickly put us in Child’s pose
  • Ultraman with 90 degree hip openers
  • Topgun with seated forward folds
  • Omaha reminded us of different variations of Pegions and Calf grinder
  • Force named his exercise a colorful name, it involved us doing twists and leg raises

These exercises left us with 4 minutes till “Recover, Recover”. YHC could have continued with cool down and crowd favourite exercises, but somehow that did not happen. YHC decided to do 3peat of the Flow and surprised the PAX and that’s when I heard “Is it really necessary?”.


  • Hippie’s birthday is happening tomorrow, PAX are not sure if it is going to be at Fission or not.
  • 2024’s QvQ challenge finale is going to happen at Ludicrous speed next week. It is between AMPM and The Force and we will have a new champion this year.