Read The Bible in a Year

Date & Time

Jan 01, 2016


See Twitter




Editor's Note: I changed the start date of this post so that it would show on the Announcements page longer for more visibility.

Isotope PAX,

Have you read the Bible?  The entire Bible?  Do you want to but think you can't make it?  I just began my annual journey through the Scriptures and I'd like to invite you along.  

One thing I've learned from F3 is that no man should have to walk through challenges alone.  In F3 that has mostly applied to physical challenges, but it doesn't have to.  If you are in for some, judgement free, no guilt if you miss a day, 3rd F then tag along.  If not, there is always next year. (Hey, I use to say that about F3… hmmm.)

How This Will Work:


  1. Each day I'll post the reading/listening assignment on my twitter ( @F3_Jedi )account with the hashtag #rev365F3.
  2. Either read the assignment or download the free podcast from and listen along.
  3. Each day the reading will contain passages from Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, & Proverbs.

What You Should Expect:


  1. If you read each day you will obviously gain a better understanding of the foundation of your Faith.
  2. Fellowship with other believers reading along at the same time.
  3. A deeper relationship with God. 

Quick Tips:

  1. Scribble down your thoughts.  It may seem like girly stuff to journal what you come across, but let's face it.  You have the memory of a flea plus no one will ask to read it anyway.  It will help you see how far you have come.
  2. Do NOT discount reading the scriptures for a 2nd or 3rd or more times.  I have been reading through the Bible in a year since 2002 and I am still learning.
  3. Do not beat yourself up if you miss a day.  You can easily catch up.  Also, don't give up.  Wait, this isn't CrossFit.  You already know that.
  4. Grab a battle buddy and start today.  (you are only a couple of days behind)
  5. The best way to catch up if you miss several days is to listen/read to today's then go back and read the oldest one you missed.  Do this until you catch up.
  6. Honestly, I listen to the Bible most days.  A great way to absorb the Scriptures while traveling to work.

Full Disclosure:

I have no affilation with nor did I write the Bible.  I have read it though and you will be glad you came on this journey.