Stepping up and down proved helpful

with a brief disclaimer, we started promptly at 5:15, but left a few late comers in the dust.  We regrouped down near WhichWich en route to the Newell Rubbermaid office park.

Yeah, we found some rocks and, initially an unsafe entrance for rock work.  We relocated to a lower doorway involving steps.  Goat provided some unique acoustics which had us all worrying about our military readiness and emergency personnel sanity.  Just heard a story on the benefits of taking the stairs rather than the elevator so our finding this outdoor staircase was nice.  We are all the better.

Upon my requests, Stromboli and Soprano provided some fine core additions.  Kid Rock begged for the opportunity to lead Homer to Marge.  Big mistake.  One, he pushed us super hard (that was good), but secondly, we all began to describe Marge (and HOmer) in greater detail not open to PG-13 audiences.  Are you okay, Out Cold?  YOung ears shouldn’t be subjected to such nonsense.

 Thanks Fellas for another great start of the day.


Remember, per Saint Mother Theresa, it’s not about you anyway. Don’t be discouraged when you do the right thing and it isn’t always appreciated.  Keep doing the right thing.

