The Estate Turns 12

The Estate still has the most faithful pax in all of Isotope. It took an enormous amount of gaslighting the night before (refer to any Gen Zer for a complete definition), but 14 pax still showed up to encourage and hold each other accountable despite the frigid winter monsoon. 3 OGs shared the Q to celebrate the 12-year. Here’s what went down:

Freedom Q

Mosey to the school portico to tease the pax with dry-ish conditions, but really for Warmorama, to avoid mass hypothermia. SSH, IST, Windmill, Long Snapper.

Mosey to the bus lot for a wet, sloppy Merican Suicide Ladder. Run to first line for 1 Merican, run back. Run to next line for 2 Americans, run back. So on and so forth until time was up. There were many grumblings about the wet and cold, neither of which the Qs could do anything about. In spite of strong Q skills, some pax went soft and did their own thing under cover (textbook gaslight example). Freedom could hear the high-pitched cries of the pax and gave the option of squats toward the end of the ladder.

Snake Eyes Q

Snake Eyes went straight tradition and gave us a modified Kamikaze that can only be performed at The Estate (prove him wrong)

Run to bottom of first hill for, what else, Shoulder Touch Mericans (a Snake Eyes special). Run back, repeat, but add a run to the top of the hill for squats, back down for ST Mericans, back to the beginning. Repeat ALL that adding a run to the next hill and more ST Mericans. Don’t forget the squats and ST Mericans at the first hill on the way back. Unfortunately, it was time for YHC to take over. Officially, we did 6 miles during Snake Eyes portion 😉

9 Lives Q

Plank Walk to the right, then to the left.

Mosey to the pocket watch pain clock playground for 5 pull ups, 10 dips and a run around the clock. Repeat dropping 1 pull up each round until you get to 0.

Mosey to the track for Catch Me If You Can. Partner 1 does 2 Electric Bugaloos and catches partner. Partner 2 jogs slowly until partner catches up. Flip flop, repeato to the end of the straight away.

Mosey to the only dry pavement left in the region for modified MARY. Partner 1 run up the hill, Partner 2 low flutter until partner returns. Flip flop. Next round, LBCs and side shuffles.

Ran out of time so we moseyed back to the getaway cars. Crocs mentioned the anniversary wouldn’t be complete without a trip up the track hill, so everyone did one, for posterity’s sake.

Recovery RecoveryÂ