The Top 19 Stretches

Event Date

Mar 06, 2024

Lindy or Triple Lindy has been on the website but must not be fully registered yet – could not find him to list in the pas list above.  Today he is listed as FNG-Triple (3).

8 pax persevered through treacherous conditions this morning…  until they reached the front door of the clubhouse.  Then they were safe, dry, cozy but still tight.  And thus the stretching would begin.  Out rolled the mats, on came the speaker and the pax would follow YHC’s lead through the Google self-proclaimed “Top 20 Full Body Stretches”.  We would do 19 of them – skipping the one where the online photo featured an overweight dude using a yoga block.  Our room full of dudes was far more fit than this guy and only one of us had a block.  But after we went through the Top 19, there was just enough time for a couple more key stretches… including Pigeon – somehow NOT listed in the Top 20???

No Mary.  No recovery stretch.  That was it.

The Moleskine:

A full 43 minutes of good stretching after Ponch dropped in to visit from about 5:27 til 5:31.  Spitfire would interupt our chatter at 5:32 and then we got started with no stopping until recover-recover at 6:15.

It’s March 6, so it is certainly the appropriate time for Irish Pub Rock.  Come to YHC’s pectacular Q this Friday at Cauldron for more.  But it’ll be outdoors and louder.

POLAR BEAR this Saturday!!!  Address is in the PB on the website, but it’s at the end of the road that runs between the hospital and the Starbucks/Walgreens shopping center.  The big building at the end of the road with the flags by the pond/lake in the business park.

CHRISTINA LATINI 8K or 2 miler is NEXT Saturday.  Run it, walk it, ruck it or skip it.  Volunteer or just contribute or do any of the above.  Just do SOMETHING.  Great event full of F3ers and others and most importantly for a great cause in memorial of Sweet Tooth.  Olive, his wife and son and their F3 and FiA families appreciate it.
