Titan 5tray miler

Event Date

Apr 29, 2024


5 reasons for the 5 miler.  But today ain’t one.

YHC talked with Vandelay last week after Luda and misunderrememberstood the discussion.  Turns out the 5 miler is the first Monday not the last Monday.  So #pb be damned, the Q and the pax were down to 5tray miles.

Pax aligned and properly disclaimed we set out for a route toward the new Aspire trade school, Monticello neighborhood, the road behind Hopewell, the Habitat neighborhood, and ending with a tour of Tanner’s Creek.  All in all we got about 4.6ish miles at a blazing 9:30-9:45 pace.

5 mile moleskin:

  • next week we 5 mile it
  • YHC can’t get 5 miles in 45 minutes right now anyhow, so the audible was a good one
  • Good times seeing Dingo out.  #cobains to the rest of the pax as I pretty much monopolized all his time on the run
  • Vandelay and Jaw float when they run.  I tried to match their stride and quietness for a bit.  No way I could do it.  You gotta be strong and a good runner to make it look easy like they do.
  • Good work by Tantrum.  I know you weren’t feeling it but you still came out and pushed through it.
  • What I learned today:  I hadn’t seen Dingo in forever and it was great to catch up.  We could have had another 3 hours and still not fully caught up.  But why?  Why hadn’t we seen eachother.  There are a lot of AOs and options so it makes sense that you may not see someone for a while.  But here’s the point — 9 Lives talked to him and asked him to come to Titan.  That’s the difference.  9 Lives asks.  I never did.   Don’t leave your manhood relationships up to gloom-posting-chance.  So be a 9 Lives.  Be someone who doesn’t sit back passively and talk about what doesn’t happen.  Make community happen.  Be intentional.  Even if a pax you see a lot, still ask to see them more.  Iron can’t sharpen iron if one iron keeps themselves locked in the drawer.  Iron sharpens iron by engaging iron.