Today wasn’t even a real day – so does this workout count?

Event Date

Feb 29, 2024


YHC grabbed this Q a month or more ago knowing it was Leap Year.  Thought I’d be able to come up w/ someone really clever for a theme.  Nope.

But 8 pax including the Q did show up, and here’s what was up:

Welcome, disclaimer (including there would be touching and the fact that today is not even a recognized day legally) and reminder of the date and thus there would be some fun “facts” shared about Leap Year.  Let’s go.

Warm-o-rama:  Mosey snake through part of the parking lot and back to where we started.  SSHs x 29 but not to establish a theme, ISTs x 10, Long Snappers x 12, Windmills x 10 (maybe).

Today’s “Leap Year” although today is a “day” not a year, so why isn’t today “Leap Day”? This makes no sense.  But maybe the PB cleared it up with this “fact” found with Google:  “If the year is divisible by 4, it’s a leap year. But if the year can be divided by 100 as well as 4, it’s not a leap year. However if the year is divisible by 400, it is a leap year.”


Next exercise is Leap Frog!  Line up, get in position.  World record for # of people doing Leap Frog in a line is 927 (also a “fact” from Google).  We have only 8 pax, so we will each leap one another 927 times and if YHC did the math right – we’ll recover-recover right around 6:15.  Or, let’s just leap frog from the bottom of the parking lot to the pull-up bars.  Or, just to the end of this row.

Today’s the 29th, so grab some curb and do Christian McCalf-raises 23 times in cadence, plus 6 more…

Also, Julius Caesar called for the first documented, official Leap Year in the year 46 BC.  Next exercise is:  The jump squat.  We’d line up in a circle (?) and each count 1 at a time, counting around the circle and all doing 46 jump squats for a serious burrrrrrrn by the end.  This allowed for pax participation and prevented the Q from having to count to 46.

By the way, Leap Year (Feb 29 the day – not the “year”) is not a legally recognized day.  Sooooo…  is this a legal workout?  Are we breaking the law???  Next exercise is:  Prison Squats.  29 of them.  Each partner pax does either 14 or 15, combined do 29.

Ouch.  But we think something special happened between POS and Toby.  Toby being in HR and all – he wouldn’t talk about it.

Prior to the next mosey, the pax would discuss the fact that we all get paid for 365 days a year but this year has 366 so… that sux!  Ok, now mosey.  Up to the pull-up bars and grab a block.

Circle up (in a circle).  We would now lift blocks giving our legs a break but destroying our arms with a LOT of reps AND sets of curls and skull crushers, followed by Bent Over Rows and Lawn Mowers.  Walking Shoulder Press while putting blocks away.

Mosey down to the bottom of the lot and next to the Q’s truck where a box awaited where YHC had stuck my big, long, thick, black…   rope.  Whipped it out, set it up and Toby was anxious to get ahold of it.

MWAR (Mary With A Rope)


Moleskine is worked in above, but the pax is welcome to add via comments.

Some key prayer requests and many grand announcements.  Ask a pax-friend, stay tuned and stay engaged.

YHC would like to thank YHC for the chance to lead today.  YHC would like to thank YHC for the awesome and informative Q today.
