We stayed dry…Mostly. Thanks Air Streams

Event Date

May 09, 2024


We began by looking for Lone Star, thinking he’s been on time so much lately that 5:31 was surely an okay time to start without him as he would not be joining.  Our thinking was wrong and he ran us down…  Good find.

We headed out the usual way north via Birkdale village. The Q promised we wouldn’t be touching the ground, meaning sitting on the wet ground.  This was a poor choice of words and created an unachievable expectation, particularly for Air Stream.  When our 2nd exercise involved touching the ground with our hands (Mtn Climbers), one of the pax (insert “Air Stream”)began a legal diatribe accusing me of false promises, breach of contract, etc.  We proceeded any ways despite my attempts to clarify the intent of my promise.

We made our way towards Robin’s park shelter, with a brief diversion into the woods area of the park (on foot.  We NEVER sat on the ground!).

En route back one of the Pax (again, insert “Air Stream”) reached every branch and shook it causing significant amounts of water to drop from the trees nearly drowning the Q (okay, it wasn’t that much water, but the Q was still licking his wounds from the earlier legal battle of ground contact by the pax).

We wrapped up with 3.2 miles (or if you used an Apple product, 17.4 miles).  On a serious note, we had a very heartfelt discussion about end of life issues, led by UltraMan.  We had a great discussion and reminder of the value of men getting together and supporting one another. …

Coffeteria had a 100% participation rate with Cubicle joining us as well (no man bun, just long, jealousy inducing hair…).


Be good fellas.  Thanks as always.