Missing from the website: Lighthouse, PBJ, Slater, Zack
Results of the Marathon Relay are in and we OBLITERATED the record with a finish time of 1:55:43! It took FIFTY Pax to make this happen and I couldn’t be more proud of our region and this group of people. 105.5 laps, 210 hand offs, 26.2 miles run. It was a stellar morning and it was beyond inspiring to see how we come together to meet a challenge. No set roster, no real plan. Just a baton, a track, a stopwatch, and some paper. We made it happen. Whenever it was time to run, someone stepped up to the plate, grabbed the stick and took off. A huge thank you to Stray (his wonderfully supportive & encouraging M) and Olive for being our official timers and turning down numerous bribes. Not much more to say other than who’s ready to crack 1:50 next year!?
Some fun stats for the nerds:
Popcorn ran the most segments at 10
Vandelay was the only runner to run a complete lap without a hand off (1:04 400m)
PBJ took the crown for fastest 200 @ 24s. Lambeau & Cubicle tied for 2nd @ 25s. Then Cherry Bomb in 3rd @ 26s
Lowest average with 3+ segments was PBJ at 28s, then Cherry Bomb & Mr Holland & Cubicle in a 3 way tie at 29s.
The dark horse on the day (According to PitStop) was Moses, 6 segments averaging 30s and a best 200m of 29s
A huge thank you to everyone for coming out whether you were a runner, supporter, heckler, brickmas-er, or timer! What a way to close out 2023 – thank you all for the opportunity to make something like this happen. I am forever grateful.
Pit Stop, Popcorn, Stray, M Stray and Olive
Thanks for the foresight and leadership to put this together! It was a great year end CSAUP and certainly brought a lot of PAX out who we often don’t ordinarily see during the year!
Congrats to all who participated and crushing the time!
Pitstop and Popcorn. This was freaking amazing to be a part of. So glad you didn’t let your idea sit idle.
I learned a lot watching all the pax push themselves out there to achieve the cumulative goal.
But I also met a lot of pax for the first time. I realized I’ve spent too much time in the Huntersville fence and need to branch out to the rest of Isotope. Thank you for galvanizing the community with CSAUP.
Let’s run it back in 24!
Awesome event, PS and Pop. Thank you!!
I recall the energy of the earliest runs of about 10 guys, which quickly waned as we realized we were running too fast for our target time. Then, new life arrived with fresh legs like Omega. Finally, the cavalry (Coppertop, Ninja Turtle, and Landline, others?) arriving in the last couple of miles provided an emotional and physical boost. It all happened so fast!
Seeing Airstream walk thru injury row was comforting for those of us with muscle strains and pulls, right Riverboat & Primo?